Blog (page 2)


Revelo Teams Up with University of Maryland for Digital Accessibility Pilot

June 10, 2020 | 0 Comments
The challenges of quickly transitioning to online classes in response to the COVID-19 global health crisis highlight the urgent need for digital accessibility in higher education. Website designers and developers often overlook incorporating accessibility features and best practices and may…

Revelo Software Joins W3C Members

April 20, 2020 | 0 Comments
Revelo Software, LLC (Revelo) has been approved to join as a member of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). Led by web inventor Tim Berners-Lee and Director Jeffrey Jaffe, W3C is an international community that develops protocols, guidelines and standards…

BI vendors aim to ease visual data analysis by business users

July 27, 2018 | 0 Comments
As analytics teams look to make it easier for business users to analyze and visualize data on their own, more BI vendors are adding visual data analysis capabilities designed to meet those needs — and new software releases from GoodData…

Four critical continuous testing components to implement

July 26, 2018 | 0 Comments
Rapid continuous delivery is unlikely to go off without a hitch, unless the team relies on continuous testing…

What are the emerging trends in software development?

July 26, 2018 | 0 Comments
It seems like every year will be — or at least should be — the year of software engineering quality, but somehow 2018 feels different…

Information architecture applied to big data streaming, AI

July 26, 2018 | 0 Comments
New technologies challenge data professionals, but taking a step back helps with hurdles..

Text Mining (Text Analytics)

July 26, 2018 | 0 Comments
Text mining is the process of exploring and analyzing large amounts of unstructured text data aided by software that can identify concepts, patterns, topics, keywords and other attributes in the data…

Q&A: An Introduction to Self-Service Data Prep (Part 2 of 2)

July 26, 2018 | 0 Comments
In Part 1 of our conversation with Paxata’s Piet Loubser, we talked about the need for self-service data prep and the role it plays in the business…

Q&A: An Introduction to Self-Service Data Prep (Part 1 of 2)

July 26, 2018 | 0 Comments
What you need to know about the movement toward self-service data preparation…