Our Clients

Education Statistics Support Institute Network (ESSIN)/National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) Reporting Tool (NRT)
Revelo works closely with Education Statistics Support Institute Network (ESSIN)cpartner organizations to review National Center for Education Statistics products, develop complex methodological frameworks to analyze educational trends, develop robust visualizations to illustrate findings, and provide policy solutions to relevant stakeholders. Revelo plays a key role in the reporting and dissemination of the Nation's Report Card, and conducts policy-relevant analysis on what students nationwide know and can do.
Tasks in this project include collecting and standardizing data in different formats and conducting analysis based on the standardized data. For ESSIN, the analytics team used a customization of Revelo's real-time framework using Excel Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) code that allowed them to take large volumes of NAEP Data Explorer output/data in Excel and transform it into visuals, allowing the ESSIN team to avoid having to build hundreds of tables and line graphs.

USAID/Secondary Analysis And Result Tracking (SART)
Revelo is working with USAID missions and its partners to gather:
- primary school-age student reading data to assess improvement in reading outcomes
- enrollment and retention data to assess increases in equitable access to education in conflict and crisis regions.
Revelo developed the integrated SART Ed system to gather secondary data collected at the student and school level from USAID partners, mine program and intervention-level data from relevant reports, gather administrative data reported by ministries of education, and design instruments to collect information on beneficiaries of U.S. government support from USAID missions. Once the data and documentation have been received through the SART Ed system, Revelo assesses its quality and completeness, harmonizes the data received from different sources to create standardized datasets, analyzes the data to produce dynamic reports, and allows users to download the standardized data in non-proprietary formats, in accordance with the Open Data Act and USAID's open data guidelines.
More importantly, the SART Ed system is creating a central repository for reading and access data that fosters knowledge-sharing and breaks down traditional barriers of data analysis. Stakeholders can now create customized reports that analyze data to meet their specific needs, which in turn builds their capacity to use data more effectively.

Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services/Learning System Data Management (LSDM)
The Affordable Care Act charged the Center for Medicare & Medicaid Innovation (CMMI) with developing, testing, and implementing new health care models that improve health care delivery, provide better health status for Medicare and Medicaid beneficiaries and other individuals, and lower health care costs. Revelo developed a secure web portal, the Data Management, Analysis, and Reporting System (DMARS), for the CMMI Learning and Diffusion Group to collect and track stakeholder engagement and Government Performance and Results Act (GPRA) outcomes. DMARS is housed in a FedRAMP FISMA moderate environment on Amazon Web Services and complies with the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Service's XLC life cycle processes.

Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services Ombudsman Program Support
As the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) implements waves of multiple mass mailings to replace Medicare beneficiaries' health insurance cards, Revelo is monitoring the volume of returned mailings to diagnose the reasons for failed deliveries. The Revelo team uses beneficiary data from CMS' Integrated Data Repository to validate data that was used for mailings and perform diagnostic analysis to understand the root cause of return. Continue reading at Medicare Part D Brief.

Organizational Website Content Assessment Tool
The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) contracted with Revelo to determine whether the content that appears on websites for Medicare prescription drug Part D plans meets the compliance requirements established in the annual Medicare Marketing Guidelines (MMGs). Revelo developed the Organizational Website Content Assessment Tool -- an interactive, online system to assess, score, analyze, and report the results of the plans' compliance with MMGs requirements in real time. This tool allowed the project management team to review the quality of the data collection by evaluating the concordance rates for reviewers, plans, and requirements in real time. The tool also displayed tables and graphs for the descriptive and univariate analyses live, as websites were being reviewed. The findings and detailed documentation for the reviews provided by the tool were used each year by CMS to send noncompliance letters to failed plans.